Who is Adventure Alternative?

If you are into trekking incredible mountains and exploring the world while serving a good cause, without encouraging strictly money-making volunteering programs often leaving the local population's conditions unimproved, then, you must know who is Adventure Alternative.

 Himalayas Trekking

Adventure Alternative is more than just an adventure blog or one of those regular volunteering organisms, it is also an independent travel company offering outstanding expeditions; from a trek in the Himalayas of Nepal, such as the popular Poon Hill or the Annapurna Circuit Trek which I highly recommend doing, to the more challenging seven summits expeditions for the more experienced trekker.

The idea behind this company is to promote sustainable tourism which allows the empowerment of local economies. Gathering resources and money through tourism while reinvesting to provide long-term careers in the industry, hence developing local people.

Moreover, Adventure Alternative, founded in 1991 by the mountaineer Gavin Bate, offers electives for students, school expeditions, university and charity trips as well as volunteering trips in needing regions through the charity Moving Mountains, also founded by Gavin. The goal: making a difference in the world by making real changes in people's lives.

While Adventure Alternative is a healthy business providing joy and investing in people, Moving Mountains is a genuinely caring organism that contributes to the true needs of a community, where every trip is required and beneficial, for the greater good of all.

You like the idea and would like to take part in such an adventure but don't know where to start? Make sure to visit the Inspire Me section.


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